Xiaojun Fan

Research Assistant

Xiaojun joined the A/S group as a research assistant in April 2023. With a background in heating, ventilating, and air conditioning engineering (HVAC), he specialized in assessing indoor environmental quality (IEQ), such as thermal environments and air quality (IAQ). He investigates how this affects human comfort, health, well-being and productivity with an interdisciplinary approach. Xiaojun’s research at our group focuses on the operation and optimization of building systems with a human-centered principle, which facilitates leveraging the conflicts of providing high IEQ and its high energy consumption.

Before joining the A/S group, Xiaojun completed his PhD at the International Centre for Indoor Environment and Energy (ICIEE), Technical University of Denmark, under the supervision of Assoc. Prof. Pawel Wargocki. His PhD documented the adverse effects of poor bedroom ventilation on sleep quality and next-day cognitive performance, measured human CO2 emission rates while sleeping that can be integrated into ventilation control algorithms, recommended ventilation rate that the bedroom should secure to avoid negative health consequences, and provided solutions to improve bedroom ventilation.  

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